Got a Sore Throat? DO NOT Try This!

A few weeks ago, both my girls came down with Hand, Foot, and Mouth. Not to be confused with Hoof and Mouth disease, because well, my kids aren't cows. At least, most of the time. Anyhow, I digress. I was looking for something to soothe their throats and help with killing the virus and came across Nature's Jeannie Throat Care Spray at CVS.

All natural: ✔️
For kids 3 and up: ✔️
Yumberry Flavor: ✔️✔️

What could go wrong? I didn't care to pay attention to the fact that there were multiple boxes left on the shelf; someone probably recently restocked, right?  I snatched a box, along with a few other necessities (Children's Motrin, wine--priorities, people!), and headed to the check out counter.

When I arrived home, I called my youngest into the kitchen so I could spray her throat. She's really good about taking medicine so it was a breeze....That is, until the spray actually hit her throat. What ensued just after could easily be categorized as nothing short of a mental and physical breakdown. She's three so you can imagine. After calming her down, she told me the spray burned her throat like fire. Thinking she was being over dramatic, I called in my nine year old. After some bribing and mild threatening, she agreed to let me spray her throat. Boy, was THAT a mistake! She had the same reaction my younger daughter had.  As I tried, unsuccessfully, to hide my eye rolls, my husband actually had the nerve to say that he thought I enjoyed torturing our children. 😶 I mean, really, what self respecting mother ENJOYS torturing her kids? Never mind, don't answer that. Moving right along...I finally decided to read the ingredients and, much to my chagrin, realized there is salt, apple cider vinegar, and cayenne pepper (among other things). Umm...ooops? Maybe that's why my kids both howled in pain? Suffice it to say, Nature's Jeannie made its way into the back of the medicine cabinet.

Fast forward a couple weeks. I woke up with a bit of a sore throat and, trying to cut it off at the pass, thought I would try the "Devil's Spray" in my own throat. I wasn't trying it for relief so much as to kill whatever bacteria might be festering back there. Being that the ingredients are apple cider vinegar, buckwheat honey, cherry extract, salt, licorice root, cloves, and cayenne pepper (for what, I have no idea), I figured it would, at the very least, flush out the bad and keep it clean. I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting, but I can tell you, it was certainly NOT what I experienced in the coming moments. I expected an unpleasant flavor but I thought, "I had two babies, I can handle this s*it." Ohhhh no. OMG, no. The directions say, and I quote, "Shake well (yep-got it). DO NOT SPRAY IN EYES (umm...Ohhhkaaay, I'll try not to). Tilt head back, spray twice into the back of the throat, let sit for 20 seconds, spit out. Repeat up to 5 times per day." I didn't even make it past the first spray and I CERTAINLY didn't let it sit in my throat for 20 fricken seconds! Now, I've never had mace or pepper spray in my mouth, but I would liken the taste and sensation to what I would imagine pepper spray might taste like. The combination of vinegar and salt made it extremely bitter, the cherry made it very tart, and the cayenne pepper created a feeling of fire in my mouth. WHY you would want any of that in a sore, scratchy throat is beyond me. Mine was not soothed at all. In fact, it felt worse! I was left spitting into my sink, gargling with water, and constantly clearing my throat.

If I could offer any suggestions to Nature's Jeannie, it would be this. Throw this crap in the garbage. Start over. Reformulate. Do. Anything. Pour some Fireball Whiskey in a spray bottle and call it a day. And for Pete's sake, don't say this on your website, "Spread the gift of wellness to friends, family and colleagues. The next time you host a party consider gifting wellness favors, wellness stocking stuffers, or thoughtful wellness novelty gifts for colleagues."  Sure, if you HATE them! 🤣

As for me, I'll just treat future ailments with tried and true warm saltwater and tea with honey.

Now, I wonder if my husband has a sore throat.........


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